知的生産のすすめ [I/O]

英語のビジネスメールでよく使うフレーズ <挨拶>



Hello. (こんにちは)※日本人が感じるよりも、ずっと使い回しの利く便利な言葉です

I hope you are doing fine.(元気でお過ごしのことと思います)

I hope you are doing well.(ごきげんいがかですか)

I hope your business going well.(お仕事も順調なことと思います)

I trust that you are keeping well.(ますますご清栄のこととお慶び申し上げます)

How are you doing?(元気にしてますか?)※カジュアル 同僚や部下用のあいさつ

Thank you for your daily support. (お世話になっております)

Thank you for your continuous support as always.(いつもお世話になっております)

Thank you for your continued support for us at all times.(いつもお世話になってます)

We always appreciate your business.(大変お世話になっております)

It is been a long time since we met last time.(大変ご無沙汰をしております)

I have not seen you for a long time.(ご無沙汰しております)

I am sorry for not being touch with you. (ご無沙汰して申し訳ありません)

Greetings to our valued customer.(当社のお客様にごあいさつ申し上げます)

Thank you for your patronage.(ご愛顧ありがとうございます)

I am sorry to disturb you while you are busy.(お忙しい所恐れ入ります)

We are absolutely thrilled to hear about the recent development of your company.


This is in response to ~. (~に関するお返事を差し上げます)

We have looked over your quotation. (お見積りを拝見しました)

I am contacting you in response to your request for ◯◯

I am replying to your email dated November 23.
(11 月 23 日のメールにお返事させて頂きます)

I have received your request.(あなたの用件を受け取りました)

We have received anbd look through your catalog.

Here is the document we talked about the other day.

This letter is to announce that we will move our office.

I would like to make a progress report on the project.

We are pleased to inform you that ~.([良いニュース] 〜についてお知らせします)

We are very happy to inform you that ~

We are sorry to inform you that ~.([悪いニュース] 〜についてお知らせします)

We are very sorry to inform you that ~

I am afraid to tell you that ~ (残念ですが~の件についてお知らせします)

Here are some updates of next advertisement campaign.

We would like to briefly report some of the changes in the XXX.
(XXX についての変更点について簡単にご報告いたします)

We are pleased to announce that we have launched our new product.

We are delighted to inform you that we have appointed a new President.

We regret to inform you that we are unable to complete your order.

After careful consideration, we have decided not to move forward with the project.


Thnak you for your e-mail(E メールありがとうございます)

Thank you for your reply.(ご返信ありがとうございます)

Thank you for getting back to me(お返事ありがとうございます)

Thank you for your quick response. (すばやい返信ありがとうございます)

Thank you for your prompt reply.(迅速な対応ありがとうございます)

Thank you for your for response.(対応ありがとうございます)

Thank you for your order.(ご注文ありがとうございます)

Thank you for your inquiry (お問い合わせありがとうございます)

We appreciate your concern.(お気遣いに感謝いたします)

Thank you for your kindness and cooperation.

Thank you very much for your prompt reply and great advice.

Thank you for your time on the last meeting.(先日の打ち合わせありがとうございます)

Thank you very much for the great opportunity for us.

Thank you so much for the wonderful gift.

I would appreciate your interest in our product.

Thank you for giving me a hand.(ご助力ありがとうございます)

I appreciate your making time for me.(お時間を作ってくれてありがとうございます)

Thank you for your email in your busy days.

Thank you for your acceptance.(ご承諾いただき、ありがとうございます)

This is a quick note to thank you for your acceptance of our invitation.

This is a quick note to thank you for your acceptance of ~.

Thank you very much for attending our press release for our new products.

Thanks to your cooperation, our workshop was very meaningful.

We appreciate your interest in our company.

This is just to say thank you to everyone for your kind words and well wishes.

We just would like to thank you for constantly using our products.

I just would like to thank you for your unchanging support to us.

I appreciate very much the time you took to ~
(~して (する時間を取って)下さってありがとうございます)


I am sorry for the late reply. (返信遅くなりもうしわけありません)

I apologize for the delay in responding to your email.

Please forgive me for taking so long to reply.

I really apologize that I was not able to reply your message soon.

We thank for you your patience. (お待たせして申し訳ありません)

Please accept my sincere apologies for the delay in replying to your email.

I apologize for contacting you time and time again.

Please accept our apologies for the unavailability of the service.

First of all, please allow me to apologise for the delay in delivery of ~.

Please accept my sincere apologies for not being able to ~

Unfortunately, we decided not to take your offer.

I am sorry to inform you that we would like to cancel the order.


I wish to draw your attention to an issue with the delivery of your product XXX.
(XXX のデリバリーの問題について、ご連絡します)

I am deeply disappointed with your new service.

I regret that I must call your attention to ~.

I would be grateful if you could look into ~.

We regret to inform you that your payment is considerably overdue.


I am happy to hear that ~. (~のこと、本当によろこばしいです)

I am writing to send you my warmest congratulations on your promotion.

I wish you all the best for your position.

I am very happy to hear that you will be appointed to be a XXX.
(XXX に就任されるとの事で、お喜び申し上げます)

Congratulations on opening a new shop.

Congratulations on the 20th anniversary of your company.
(御社の創立 20 周年、誠におめでとうございます)


I am sorry for contacting you so suddenly. (突然のご連絡失礼します)

I truely apologize for this sudden e-mail. (突然のメールで大変申し訳ございません)

I hope you do not mind my contacting you out of blue.

This is my first time to write, so I hope you don't find letter impertinent.

Thank you very much for your time reading this message.

It is a pleasure to have the chance to contact you.(ご連絡する機会を持てて光栄です)

I am writing after visting your website. (御社のウェブサイトを見てメールしています)

I am pleased to see you at the exhibition last week.


Thank you for the other day. (先日はありがとうございました)

I had a good time with you yesterday. (昨日はたいへん有意義な時間でした)

It was good to talk with you over the phone last Monday.

It was great to see you again on Monday.(日曜に再度お会いできてうれしかったです)

I was pleased to meet you last time.(先日はお目にかかれて良かったです)

Thank you for your call this morning. (今朝はお電話ありがとうございました)

It was great to meet you in the last business trip.

I am very pleased to have had a chance to talk with you again.

Many thanks for meeting with me and my colleagues last week.

Thank you so much for your busy time today.

It was certainly a pleasure meeting all of you in London.

I enjoyed having lunch with you [last week in Tokyo].

I would just like to confirm the main points we discussed on the other day.


I would like to offer my season’s greetings to you.

I would like to extend my Christmas greetings.

The temparature rises up and we can enjoy new green season.

The summer is coming closer, I hope you are fine.

We would like to express our gratitude to all our valued customers at the end of this year.

Thank you very much for all your cooperation with us all through this year.

We hope your wonderful achievement this year will lead your company to further development.

We are delighted to announce, thanks to your unceasing support, we achieved the best result ever in this fiscal year.

We wish you further prosperity in the next financial year.

Thank you very much for your consideration and care for us all thought this year.

We are quite hopeful next year will be another good year for both.

2020/07/15英語のビジネスメールで、商品名・個数・価格・日時・場所・条件などを伝えるときなど、項目・要素が多くなる場合、文章よりも箇条書き (Bullet Point)にする方が好まれます。ここでは、よく使われる箇条書きの書き方をご紹介します。
2020/07/15ビジネスシーンでは感謝を表すメールを出すことが少なくありません。お礼や感謝をちゃんと伝えることでビジネスもスムーズに行われるでしょう。ここでは様々なシーンごと (上司・部下・取引先など) に、お礼や感謝の表現する時によく使われるフレーズをご紹介します。