知的生産のすすめ [I/O]

英語のビジネスメールでよく使うフレーズ <情報を取得する>




Could you ◯◯?(◯◯ していただけないでしょうか?)のような相手に依頼する型を使って「情報を ○○ してくだい」という形で英文を作るのが基本になるかと思います。




I would like to know ~.

Kindly let me know ~.

Could you inform me of ~?

I would appreciate it if you could answer the following questions.

I am writing to enquire about ~

I am writing this email to ask you about ~.



Could you supply literature or catalogs if you have them available?

Could you send the materials by e-mail.


I would like to request a price quotation for the following contents.


  • ROG STRIX Z390-F GAMING: 10 units
  • PRIME H370-A: 15 units

Delivery date: Within August 10th

Product name and model number: (製品名と型番)
quantity: (数量)
delivery date: (納期)

I would be appreciated if you could quote the price per unit with the estimated delivery date.
(予想される配送日と 1 つあたりの価格を見積もっていただけたら幸いです)

We look forward to your sending us an estimate by June 5th.
(6 月 5 日までにお見積もりをいただけたらと思います)


Could you tell us about the current status?

Could you report on the progress of the project ?

We would appreciate it if you could send us a progress report on the construction.

I would like to know a little more about that situation.

Kindly let me know your status and availability.

I hope you will keep me posted on this.

Would you please tell ongoingly me if there is any change in the situation ongoingly?

Please contact me again once you have some updates.

How is the task going?

How have things been after that?

Is the project going as planned?

Are we on schedule?

What happened to the problem I mentioned last month?


Could you tell us the conclusions of the review meeting?

I would like to know a little more about the outcome of the meeting.

How was the result of the conference?

Would you please report the results of the survey?

I would appreciate it if you could inform about the decision of your department manager.


I would like to know when are we having the next meeting?

We were wondering if you would be available for the meeting with us tomorrow.

Kindly let me know your convenient time.

Could you tell me which date and time are convenient for you among the below list?

Is any of the following dates suitable for you?

Could you give us some candidate dates and times for the meeting?

Kindly let me know when you can return from your business trip.


Do you have any request for us?

Did you meet your requirements?

It would be helpful if you could provide the background of your request.

If possible I would like to know the reason for your request.

I would like to know why you need such information.

Could you give me some more details about your question?

Are you satisfied with this content?

Do you have a problem with this?

We would appreciate it if you could tell us what should I do to satisfy you.

その他の情報を得る Could you tell me what procedures I must do after this? (この後、私がやるべき手続きを教えてもらってよろしいでしょうか?)

Kindly let me know what is he like. (彼がどんな人か知りたいです)

It would be helpful if you could tell me something about ABC Company's products. (ABC 社の製品に関して何か教えていだだけば助かります)



  • 情報を得る: get information
  • 情報を集める: gather information
  • 情報を送る: send information
  • 情報を提供する: provide information
  • 情報を受取る: receive information
  • 情報を交換する: exchange information
  • 情報をやりとりする: shuttle information
  • 情報を共有する: Share information
  • 情報を伝える: pass on information
  • 情報を伝達する: convey information 「pass on」よりフォーマル
  • 情報伝達する: transfer information
  • 情報を入手しやすくする: make it easy to access information
  • 情報を利用する: use information
  • 情報をざっと見る: scan the information
  • 情報を蓄積する: accumulate information
  • 情報を吸収する: absorb information
  • 情報をふるいにかける: filter information
  • 情報を整理する: organize information
  • 情報をまとめる: integrate information
  • 情報を管理する: manage information
  • 情報を一元管理する: consolidate information
  • 情報をコントロールする: take control of information
  • 情報をデジタル化する: digitize information
  • 情報を処理する: process information
  • 情報を公開 (開示) する: open information
  • 情報を伏せる: withhold crucial information
  • 情報を秘匿する: keep information secret
  • 情報を流失する: leak information
  • 情報を保護する: protect information


  • 情報収集: information collection
  • 情報提供: provision of information
  • 基本情報: basic information
  • 情報公開 (開示): disclosure of information, open information
  • 非公開情報: closed information, non-public information
  • 秘密情報: secret information
  • 機密情報: confidential information「secret」より機密性が高い
  • 極秘情報: classified information「confidential」より更に機密性が高く国家機密級
  • 隠された情報: hidden information
  • 情報漏洩: information leak
  • 重要情報: critical information
  • 貴重情報: valuable information
  • 有益情報: useful information
  • 必須情報: essential information
  • 関連情報: relevant information
  • 最新情報: the latest information
  • 最新ではない情報: outdated information
  • 古い情報: old piece of information
  • 情報不足: lack of information
  • 誤った情報: misinformation
  • 詳細情報: detail information
  • 要約情報: Summary information
  • 事前情報: prior information
  • 内部情報: internal information
  • 外部情報: external information
  • 付加情報: additional information
  • 各種情報: variety of information
  • 確認情報: confirmed information
  • 未確認情報: unconfirmed information
  • 個人情報: personal information
  • 会社情報: corporate information